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   A Telix 3.0 dialing directory file is variable sized, and can hold from
   1 to 1000 entries (1000 is an arbitrary limit which might be raised, so
   do not get too dependent on it).  A dialing directory file consists of
   one ddf_header structure followed by a dd_entry structure for each
   entry iu the dialing directory.  All data is stored in Intel format.
   This means that when integers and longs are written to disk, they are
   written in the order low byte to high byte.  Since all Intel chips
   (like the 8088 and 80x86 used in PCs) store data in this fashion, this
   is of concern only if you are trying to access a directory file from a
   computer using another microprocessor, like the Mac's 68000.

   The 2 structures follow, in C format.
   All structures are packed.  No padding should be used by the compiler
   to align data on even addresses.  For example, if using the MS C
   compiler, use the -Zp switch!
 struct ddf_header
  long id;                 /* should be hex 2e2b291a */
  int  ddf_vers;           /* currently 1 */
  int  num_entries;        /* # of entries in directory, from 1 to 1000 */
  char pencrypted;         /* currently 0, will be used for encryption */
  char spare[55];

 struct dd_entry
  char     name[25],       /* entry name */
           number[17],     /* phone number */
           baud,           /* baud rate, see below */
           parity,         /* parity: 0 = none, 1 = even, 2 = odd */
           data,           /* number of data bits, 7 or 8 */
           stop,           /* number of stop bits, 1 or 2 */
           script[12],     /* linked script file name */
           lastcall[6];    /* last call date, stored in ASCII, w/o slashes */
  unsigned totcalls;       /* total successful calls to this entry */
  char     terminal,       /* terminal type to use, see below */
           protocol,       /* default protocol; first letter */
           toggles,        /* bit 0: local echo - 0 = off, 1 = on */
                           /* bit 1: add LFs    - 0 = off, 1 = on */
                           /* bit 2: BS trans   - 0 = destructive, 1 = not */
                           /* bit 3: BS key     - 0 = sends BS,
                                                  1 = sends DEL */
           dprefnum,       /* dialing prefix number to use when dialing */
           password[14];   /* password for this entry */

    ASCII string fields like the name, number, password, etc. are stored in
    C format, but include the terminating 0 only if there is room. For
    example, if an entry name is 25 characters long it will completely
    fill up the field, and no terminating zero will be added. This was done
    for space reasons, but means that if you manipulate the directories you
    must take care. C programmers for example should use the strncpy function
    instead of the strcpy function to access these fields, and must make sure
    to add a terminating zero.

    baud field:     0 =  300, 1 =  1200, 2 =  2400, 3 =  4800,
                    4 = 9600, 5 = 19200, 6 = 38400, 7 = 57600, 8 = 115200

    terminal field: integer number from 0 - n equivalent to that entry
                    in menu shown when Alt-T function invoked

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson